A-plus is an interesting premixture of aromatic substances that provides an improvement of the productive parameters as well as a decreased environmental impact of
the farming activity.
We consider A-plus an optimal alternative to the ordinary growth promoters given that its action mechanism allows:
Preventing gastrointestinal disorders
Promoting the development of the beneficial intestinal flora.
Decreasing the intestinal damage and the formation of intestinal ammonia.
Consequently, improved digestion and nutrient absorption meaning a better conversion rate and a higher average daily gain.
From Additives for farming, aware of the problems faced by the manufactures on pollution, and after three years of research on natural aromatic mixtures, we have
enhanced the formulation of A-plus so that in the last experimental tests conducted relevant differences against other growth promoters against gas reduction e.g. ammonia, hydrogen and methane
sulfide have been shown, therefore contributing to the environmental care.