The current need for reducing the use of antibiotics leads us to search for new products as substitutes of the traditional medications.
Infection from Streptococcal suis on piglets result in the development of Arthritis and Meningitis with a high morbidity, compromising the expected rates.
A-plus is an interesting premixture of aromatic substances that provides an improvement of the productive parameters as well as a decreased environmental impact of the farming activity.
A-plus is an interesting premixture of aromatic substances that provides an improvement of the productive parameters as well as a decreased environmental impact of the farming activity.
Optimax exclusive design allows the addition of butyric acid (not its salts), along the animal digestive tube achieving a health-beneficial effect on our animals. This is the only combination protected in the market that produces a release of butyric acid in the intestine.
Aware that one of the main problems concerning the profitability at the farms are gastrointestinal disturbances, especially during the feeding stage, PREVENT is developed on demand of the pig industry as a need for efficiently controlling pathologies like the Ileitis (Lawsonia intracellularis) or the Dysentery (Brachyspira hyoysenteriae).